当前位置:考试网  > 试卷库  > 外语类  > 雅思  > 阅读  >  How shops can exploit people's herd mentality to increase sales 1.A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is.Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended.Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors.Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” (that is,how ants,bees or any social animal,including humans,behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what people buy. 2.At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome,Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani,a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology,described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon.Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance,by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store,forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them.Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes,also of the Florida Institute of Technology,set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing on the herd instinct.The idea is that,if a certain product is seen to be popular,shoppers are likely to choose it too.The challenge is to keep customers informed about what others are buying. 3.Enter smart-cart technology.In Mr Usmani's supermarket every product has a radio frequency identification tag,a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmit information,and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to a central computer.As a customer walks past a shelf of goods,a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product.If the number is high,he is more likely to select it too. 4.Mr Usmani's “swarm-moves” model appeals to supermarkets because it increases sales without the need to give people discounts.And it gives shoppers the satisfaction of knowing that they bought the “right” product—that is,the one everyone else bought.The model has not yet been tested widely in the real world,mainly because radio frequency identification technology is new and has only been installed experimentally in some supermarkets.But Mr Usmani says that both Wal-Mart in America and Tesco in Britain are interested in his work,and testing will get under way in the spring. 5.Another recent study on the power of social influence indicates that sales could,indeed,be boosted in this way.Matthew Salganik of Columbia University in New York and his colleagues have described creating an artificial music market in which some 14,000 people downloaded previously unknown songs.The researchers found that when people could see the songs ranked by how many times they had been downloaded,they followed the crowd.When the songs were not ordered by rank,but the number of times they had been downloaded was displayed,the effect of social influence was still there but was less pronounced.People thus follow the herd when it is easy for them to do so. 6.In Japan a chain of convenience shops called RanKing RanQueen has been ordering its products according to sales data from department stores and research companies.The shops sell only the most popular items in each product category,and the rankings are updated weekly.Icosystem,a company in Cambridge,Massachusetts,also aims to exploit knowledge of social networking to improve sales. 7.And the psychology that works in physical stores is just as potent on the internet.Online retailers such as Amazon are adept at telling shoppers which products are popular with like-minded consumers.Even in the privacy of your home,you can still be part of the swarm. Questions 1-6 Complete the sentences below with words taken from the reading passage.Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 1.Shopowners realize that the smell of _______________ can increase sales of food products. 2.In shops,products shelved at a more visible level sell better even if they are more _______________. 3.According to Mr.Usmani,with the use of “swarm intelligence” phenomenon,a new method can be applied to encourage _______________. 4.On the way to everyday items at the back of the store,shoppers might be tempted to buy _______________. 5.If the number of buyers shown on the _______________ is high,other customers tend to follow them. 6.Using the “swarm-moves” model,shopowners do not have to give customers _______________ to increase sales.

How shops can exploit people's herd mentality to increase sales

1.A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is.Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended.Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors.Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” (that is,how ants,bees or any social animal,including humans,behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what people buy.

2.At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome,Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani,a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology,described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon.Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance,by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store,forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them.Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes,also of the Florida Institute of Technology,set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing on the herd instinct.The idea is that,if a certain product is seen to be popular,shoppers are likely to choose it too.The challenge is to keep customers informed about what others are buying.

3.Enter smart-cart technology.In Mr Usmani's supermarket every product has a radio frequency identification tag,a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmit information,and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to a central computer.As a customer walks past a shelf of goods,a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product.If the number is high,he is more likely to select it too.

4.Mr Usmani's “swarm-moves” model appeals to supermarkets because it increases sales without the need to give people discounts.And it gives shoppers the satisfaction of knowing that they bought the “right” product—that is,the one everyone else bought.The model has not yet been tested widely in the real world,mainly because radio frequency identification technology is new and has only been installed experimentally in some supermarkets.But Mr Usmani says that both Wal-Mart in America and Tesco in Britain are interested in his work,and testing will get under way in the spring.

5.Another recent study on the power of social influence indicates that sales could,indeed,be boosted in this way.Matthew Salganik of Columbia University in New York and his colleagues have described creating an artificial music market in which some 14,000 people downloaded previously unknown songs.The researchers found that when people could see the songs ranked by how many times they had been downloaded,they followed the crowd.When the songs were not ordered by rank,but the number of times they had been downloaded was displayed,the effect of social influence was still there but was less pronounced.People thus follow the herd when it is easy for them to do so.

6.In Japan a chain of convenience shops called RanKing RanQueen has been ordering its products according to sales data from department stores and research companies.The shops sell only the most popular items in each product category,and the rankings are updated weekly.Icosystem,a company in Cambridge,Massachusetts,also aims to exploit knowledge of social networking to improve sales.

7.And the psychology that works in physical stores is just as potent on the internet.Online retailers such as Amazon are adept at telling shoppers which products are popular with like-minded consumers.Even in the privacy of your home,you can still be part of the swarm.

Questions 1-6

Complete the sentences below with words taken from the reading passage.Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

1.Shopowners realize that the smell of _______________ can increase sales of food products.

2.In shops,products shelved at a more visible level sell better even if they are more _______________.

3.According to Mr.Usmani,with the use of “swarm intelligence” phenomenon,a new method can be applied to encourage _______________.

4.On the way to everyday items at the back of the store,shoppers might be tempted to buy _______________.

5.If the number of buyers shown on the _______________ is high,other customers tend to follow them.

6.Using the “swarm-moves” model,shopowners do not have to give customers _______________ to increase sales.

更新时间:2024-04-28 06:28:34

1.答案:(freshly baked) bread.


3.答案:impulse buying.

4.答案:other (tempting) goods/things/products.




















































































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某工程,签约合同价为30850万元,合同工期为30个月,预付款为签约合同价的20%,从开工后第5个月开始分10个月等额扣回。工程质量保证金为签约合同价的3%,开工后每月按进度款的10%扣留,扣留至足额为止。施工合同约定,工程进度款按月结算。因清单工程里偏差和工程设计变更等导致的实际工程里偏差超过15%时,(来源:建匠教育)可以调整综合单价。实际工程量增加15%以上时,超出部分的工程量综合单价调值系数为0.9;实际工程量减少15%以上时,减少后剩余部分的工程量综合单价调值系数为1.1。按照项目监理机构批准的施工组织设计,施工单位计划完成的工程价款见表6-1。 表6-1计划完成工程价款表 工程实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件1:由于设计差错修改图纸使局部工程量发生变化,由原招标工程量清单中的1320m3变更为1670m3,相应投标综合单价为378元/m3。施工单位按批准后的修改图纸在工程开工后第5个月完成工程施工,并向项目监理机构提出了增加合同价款的申请。 事件2:原工程量清单中暂估价为300万元的专业工程,建设单位组织招标后,由原施工单位以357万元的价格中标,招标采购费用共花费3万元。施工单位在工程开工后第7个月完成该专业工程施工,并要求建设单位对该暂估价专业工程增加合同价款60万元。 问题: 1.计算该工程质量保证金和第7个月应扣留的预付款各为多少万元? 2.工程质量保证金扣留至足额时预计应完成的工程价款及相应月份是多少?该月预计应扣留的工程质量保证金是多少万元? 3.事件1中,综合单价是否应调整?说明理由。项目监理机构应批准的合同价款增加额是多少万元?(写出计算过程) 4.针对事件2,计算暂估价工程应增加的合同价款,说明理由。 5.项目监理机构在第3、5、7个月和第15个月签发的工程款支付证书中实际应支付的工 程进度款各为多少万元?(计算结果保留2位小数)
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某工程,实施过程中发生如下事件: 【事件1】:工程开工前施工单位按要求编制了施工总进度计划和阶段性施工进度计划,按相关程序审核后报项目监理机构审查。专业监理工程师审查的内容有: (1)施工进度计划中主要工程项目有无遗漏,是否满足分批动用的需要。 (2)施工进度计划是否符合建设单位提供的资金、施工图纸、施工场地、物资等条件。 【事件2】:项目监理机构编制监理规划时初步确定的内容包括:工程概况;监理工作的范围、内容、目标;监理工作依据;工程质量控制;工程造价控制;工程进度控制;合同与信息管理;监理工作设施。总监理工程师审查时认为,监理规划还应补充有关内容。 【事件3】:工程施工过程中,因建设单位原因发生工程变更导致监理工作内容发生重大变化,项目监理机构组织修改了监理规划。 【事件4】:专业监理工程师现场巡视时发现,施工单位在某工程部位施工过程中采用了一种新工艺,要求施工单位报送该新工艺的相关资料。 【事件5】:施工单位按照合同约定将电梯安装分包给专业安装公司,并在分包合同中明确电梯安装安全由分包单位负全责。电梯安装时,分包单位拆除了电梯井口防护栏并设置了警告标志,施工单位要求分包单位设置临时护栏。分包单位为便于施工未予设置,造成1名施工人员不慎掉入电梯井导致重伤。 问题: 1、事件1中,专业监理工程师对施工进度计划还应审查哪些内容? 2、事件2中,监理规划还应补充哪些内容? 3、事件3中,写出监理规划的修改及报批程序。 4、写出专业监理工程师对事件4的后续处理程序。 5、事件5中,写出施工单位的不妥之处。指出施工单位和分包单位对施工人员重伤事故各承担什么责任?
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F氧化铝厂采用拜耳法生产氧化铝,生产工艺为:原料储运,石灰消化,原矿浆制备,高压溶出,赤泥沉降洗涤,分解与种子过滤,蒸发及排盐,氢氧化铝焙烧与包装等。原料,中间产品,产品主要有:铝土矿,石灰,液碱,燃煤,硫酸,柴油,硫酸铵,赤泥,氧化铝,灰渣,煤气,过热蒸汽,液氨,水等。该厂生产的主要工作由本厂负责,辅助性工作承包给G企业。F厂主办公楼有:2部电梯,1套消防系统,26个灭火器。F厂自备煤气站和热电站。煤气站生产氢氧化铝焙烧用煤气,煤气生产能力为65000N.m3/h。热电站有:3台130t/h燃煤锅炉,1套12MW汽轮发电机组,1套25MW汽轮发电机组。热电站生产270℃地蒸汽,生产能力为220t/h,蒸汽在管道中的压力为3.7MPa。F厂热力工程系统有:主厂房,堆煤场,燃煤破碎筛分输送系统,油泵房,除盐水站,点火泵房,灰渣库,熔盐加热站,除灰系统,热力管网,氨法脱硫系统等单元。工艺间物料采用管道或机动车辆输送。2010年3月,F厂组织了安全检查,对发现的事故隐患分析表明,现场作业人员没有意识到的事故隐患占31%,查出的两个重大事故隐患Ⅰ、Ⅱ在2010年1月份检查时已经发现。重大事故隐患Ⅰ未整改的原因是F厂的甲车间认为是乙车间负责整改,乙车间认为应由甲车间负责整改;重大事故隐患Ⅱ未整改的原因是F厂认为是应由G企业出整改资金,G企业认为应由F厂出整改资金。 根据以上场景,回答下列问题。 1、指出F厂原料,中间产品,产品中的火灾爆炸物质并说明理由。 2、指出上述场景中的特种设备。 3、指出F厂热力工程系统中危险因素及其存在的单元。 4、确定重大事故隐患Ⅰ、Ⅱ的整改责任单位并说明理由。 5、针对安全检查发现的问题,提出整改措施。
试题分类: 安全生产事故案例分析